I am so grateful for your donation to my life’s mission to bring about a new financial system that unwind’s debt’s stranglehold on humanity. I’m impressed with how far I’ve come with this technology since September of 2017. Definitely RemedyCoin is one of the black swan like projects out there that has the potential to improve humanity’s experience in the short term.

PayPal paypal@remedycoin.com. Https://PayPal.me/RemedyCoin
Receipt will be from Joseph William Baker.
Healing – Bringing harmony to health through remedy markets. RemedyCoin’s sponsor https://Health.ForgivenessCapital.com provides remote energy therapy for those who cannot afford treatments through an innovation of the forgiveness contract approach at the heart of RemedyCoin.
Housing – You might help by housing me for a couple of months. I stay with friends and family – a little time here and a little time there.
Travel – traveling the world has been an amazing experience as I’ve found tremendous human beings who resonate with the RemedyCoin message. Everywhere I go, people tell me this project IS THE MOST INTERESTING PROJECT people hear at blockchain conferences. In the future it may be time to spend money to sponsor and purchase booth space at these conferences.
Writing – a book. Diving deep into the thoughts behind RemedyCoin’s Forgiveness Assets.
Development – There will be special website development needs, and programming to make this dream a reality.