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I’ve single handedly developed the RemedyCoin brand – concept and have tirelessly promoted it through “Joe Baker’s Remedy Report on numerous social media networks.

I’ve spent a fortune – literally – on bringing this project to the world. I’m exhausted, pennyless and living in peonage. I’m dreaming for the day when RemedyCoin and it’s sister project $AntiMoney start getting the adoption they deserve.

I’m looking for feedback about what to put into the prospectus. Please email me with suggestions. The latest work on a rewrite of the prospectus is being done here on Google Docs.
-Joe Baker

Remedy Coin Prospectus



The goal of this document is to show how you can participate with others to advance the cause of bringing economic remedy to inhabitants of planet Earth.  You can obtain digital holdings which reflect your karmic gift to the aims of this project. It is required that one first agrees to the terms of the (FPL) which exempts our activities from government protections, oversights and regulations.   We put forward an ethic that states if one is harmed by another who adheres to the FPL that the sole remedy shall be a RemedyCoin style forgiveness contract.  We are confident in the power of forgiveness to create a thing of monetary value. We allso acknowledge this to be an experimental system which we believe to have bright prospects of future redemption – yet we all recognize the project runs the risk of failure.  

Abstract creates special receipts for good deeds.  Think of acts of charity, forgiveness, gifting to causes, funding ventures.  These receipts become assets themself. Special contract terms put the karmic and financial value from the transaction onto a blockchain as a new kind of money. To encourage more of this sort of money, users agree to increase a minimum floor sale price by 9.99% per week.  This is an experimental project with aims of superseding valuation of total government currencies by the end of 2020 to become the dominant style of currency worldwide. These are mechanisms for forgiveness of loans, debt, etc… New cost signals in the marketplace address tyranny in government, inhumane actions of corporations, effects of radical ideologies, impacts of conspiracies, etc…  


What is a remedy?

Corrective action that addresses the change in state from the present to before the injury.   When the injured party feels satisfied with the person who harmed them – this means the situation has been remediated.  A remedy is a compensation plan which might include a transaction of assets, admissions of wrongdoing, agreements, etc. to address the value of what has been lost.

RemedyCoin was named in an effort to provide a means of resolving conflict without the public facilities of government.  So we say that this is a private resolution methodology.  

What is RemedyCoin?

Many things…

  1. A system of ethics that increases forgiveness, charity, venture funding, basic human needs while shielding participants from government involvement.  We accomplish this through our terms of use “the FPL” found at: “
  2. A conflict resolution organization making forgiveness offers to offenders on behalf of our clients.  Special terms to the offer include restoring the offender into a place of honor concerning the ordeal. The value of forgiveness is expressed onto digital coins of a named token on a blockchain.  The value of this forgiveness is defined and agreement is gained that it’s value grows by 9.99% per week.

    An important note is that proof of the damage is secured when the offender chooses to dishonor the presentments. 
  3. Funding of ventures where increase in value is agreed to by donors themselves while forgiving the venture of any obligation to perform, report.  The RemedyCoin funding project will be the first major example of funding a venture in this way.
  4. A RemedyCoin forgiveness contract such as “Remedy.Stark” represents a unique limited supply of digital tokens which in total represent the total current value of forgiveness concerning an ordeal which has been remedied.
  5. A RemedyCoin gift/gratitude contract such as “Remedy.Bocho” is used to stimulate gifting to others where they issue a gratitude contract which appreciates in value by agreement.  This way we can create more stated value between parties that issue gifts/gratitude. 

    It’s important to note that Bitshares offers a feature of hidden assets and hidden transactions that one might pay extra fees to use.  If one hides their assets we may not be able to provide rainfall in automatic methods.
  6. No Promise of Performance: We are very careful to not make promises of performance.  Your issuance of funds to assist with the project’s aims are in unison respected by all other holders of “Remedy.Coin”  by agreement. If there is to truly be an increase in the value of the holdings of the project’s funding coin, it will be because in unison it’s holders agreed to and respected the minimum selling price growth curve.  Perhaps this behavior will attract others to hold shares of these instruments as well. We are agreeing that by sacrificing the spendable money now that it’s value grows with tremendous acceleration within this financial instrument.

    Once hundreds of RemedyCoin style instruments are in play we will have established a network of immense value where participants can trade these assets among one another.
  7. RemedyCoin has a User License: A condition of holding remedy coins is that the holder agrees to the contract terms at   This contract exempts government oversight from dealings with this value.  Rather parties agree to use forgiveness contracts to settle disputes among one another in relation to any serious conflict. 

    So these transactions and valuations are by private contract with others under the kindred union of the FPL.
  8. Open Market with Terms: Supporters are free to trade their “Remedy” assets on the open market at with anyone who also accepts the terms of the forgiveness public license.  RemedyCoin maintains what Bitshares calls a Whitelist. One must be on the FPL whitelist maintained by the joe-baker account on Bitshares to trade with these assets.  There are minimal fees associated with using the BitShares platform. These are typically paid with BTS, the token of the Bitshares platform. 

How to Give/Receive Forgiveness

An Internet form might offer fields for date and description of the offense, email address and the name of the victim, name and email of the offender, checkboxes to agree that the matter’s information be made available on the internet.  Also information as to the suggested value of the act of forgiveness. Agreement to the terms of the FPL. A note expressing the sincerity of the request for forgiveness. A proposed name for the resulting crypto currency. A deadline can be used if the forgiver is offering a period of time to object to a forgiveness offer.  See working examples at:

Section 3: RemedyCoins

Why use a digital token?

By issuing a fungible token with a fixed number of units and using this as the expressed receptacle of the value of the sacrifice we end up with the ability to trade fractions of asset as coins on Bitshare’s exchange.  We are able to also restrict access to trading of the asset to those who honor the aims, goals and commitments of a project and the FPL. It is believed that the Bitshares system provides software for people to control and hold their own assets without intrusting them into the hands of anyone else.

The Bitshares system is over five years in operation, has established itself as a mature and solid system for committing assets to it’s digital software.  The architecture of Bitshares is distributed that is to say there are at least twenty core machines actively participating in handling transactions with benchmark tests indicating they can handle in excess of 3,000 transactions per second.  As it’s been relayed to me there are numerous other machines awaiting to take the place of one of the twenty should any of them fail.

Digital tokens offer proof of ownership, fungibility, rapid transmission of funds which is the same as transferring title of the same. 

Where to get Remedy.Coin?

The RemedyCoin project is currently trading on the Bitshares Exchange as “Remedy.Coin”. 

→ Add link to the specific market!

Using your RemedyCoins  is the blockchain where RemedyCoins can be traded with anyone else who is registered as an adherent to the FPL.  There is work being done with Bitshares to accomplish cross-chain atomic swaps. for example, the LaToken exchange of private assets, now includes support for a Bitshares asset stable coin called bitCNY which tracks the value of the Chinese Yuan. is an Android only free merchant’s point of sale application to receive crypto currencies.  This application could be forked to easily include support for our assets on Bitshares.

We have already tested PalmPay’s sister application the “Itsy BitSy” wallet.  And we have successfully transferred remedy assets from one wallet to another.  

Holding your RemedyCoins

If you want to hold your RemedyCoins use the Bitshares web user interface (ui). 

For PC’s, Linux an Macs the web wallet ui is easiest along when combined with a password manager to handle the super long password. 

IOS – KDEX Distributed Exchange <Compatibility not Tested> uses the Bitshares platform on it’s back end and thus is likely compatible with Remedy Assets.

ANDROID – BitShares Mobile – <Compatability Tested> This application allows you to arrange deposits of popular crypto currencies and trade for RemedyCoin Assets. By the “btspp-team”.   Their main site is  Their app can be found here:

How can I use my RemedyCoins?

Change the world –  By holding remedy coin assets you are providing liquidity to a market that in unison is affirming and growing the value of forgiveness, charity.  

Hedging Value – By trading units of RemedyCoin assets among one another you trade value for value and lend credibility to other assets that you like.

Boost Net Worth – You can use the face value of your holdings to boost your net-worth.  

Tax Free Appreciation – RemedyCoins that are the result of a conflict settlement are tax free instruments. We believe that all RemedyCoin instruments covered by the FPL are by nature a standing forgiveness arrangement which precludes taxation and regulation.

Market Trading – Trade for crypto assets such as Bitshares (bts), Bitcoin (btc), BitUSD and BitCNY directly without human intervention with other registered FPL adherents on the exchange.

Venture Participation – Ventures that seek funding and participation through RemedyCoin and the FPL may at their option accept other remedycoin assets for a portion of their offerings. 

Capable of Point of Sale – One day we look forward to being able to use these tokens at participating merchants in a point of sale manner.  

Create a RemedyCoin Asset For a Cause – In your community you can create RemedyCoin assets to resolve a conflict/support a cause and in the process begin to help others see the benefits of using this cryptocurrency for trade within their communities.

Trading or holding the “Remedy” token means many things…

  • You are participating in a marketplace that wishes to advance the work of RemedyCoin in bringing remedies and forgiveness to the world. 
  • It signals you have made a gift to the work of the RemedyCoin project.
  • You consent to the terms of the terms of the v 0.12 and higher versions.
  • You understand that RemedyCoin is not a government compliant organization – that your participation is a private contract among a society specifically exempting these private instruments from government regulation. Electing rather to use our concept of forgiveness contracts to remedy any claim against one another.
  • RemedyCoin aims to create instruments which cultivate and define the value of forgiveness, charity and commemoration of an individual or a cause. We reserve a portion of coins as a commission that both supports our work and a portion is intended to be earmarked as “rainfall” to those holding our “Remedy.Coin”. This is no guarantee nor any obligation on the part of the RemedyCoin project. It is our intention but we have no obligation to perform. If you feel you are harmed in any way by the RemedyCoin organization you are free to create a forgiveness contract which you may consider to have our open and automatic endorsement of for purposes of allowing you to achieve your remedy.

What the “Remedy.Coin” token on DOES NOT represent.

  • The RemedyCoin project does not issue financial reports. Remedy does not have any “shareholders” per-say. These are not stock shares in any corporation.
  • Remedy.Coin tokens do not represent any guaranteed receipt of future value.
  • RemedyCoins do not represent equity in the project.

Token Economics

<< I need some more information about the total supply, max supply, issuance of new tokens, etc. >>

There are 10,000,000 Remedy.Coin tokens – each divisible by eight decimal places.   This is a fixed one-time issuance. This represents the total available receipts for goodwill donations to the remedy project. 

<<Are you raising money with RemedyCoins??? Is this an IEO? It is already on Bitshares, so not exactly. What are your public fundraising goals?>>

Network Voting
Holding the Remedy Token may enable you to having veto voting power over decisions brought to the community which might affect the value of the market.

Another “Remedy” coin has been secured on the RavenCoin blockchain to secure the namespace. But as yet we do not have a purpose for this coin except to release future coins such as “” where we are looking to mine value by having practitioners perform free health care to patients who in turn validate receiving benefit and allow the work to be commemorated and tokenized.

I need to know the next steps for RemedyCoin. What are the milestones?
Yes… The roadmap would be a good place to start.
I need to find a  

RemedyCoin Team
Need to know who is on the RemedyCoin team (you! Who else? advisors?). Put information about yourself and your journey here. Short paragraph for each person. 

Links and Resources

Add links to anything and everything RemedyCoin! Need:

-official website(s)

-official social media accounts (Keybase, Twitter, Gitter, Reddit…etc?)

-code (Github?)

-exchanges (Bitshares… others?)

-other community?


Let’s put something about how RemedyCoin is risky and it is not an investment. Rather, it is a means of [asking for forgiveness/granting forgiveness?].


Fill me in. 

The RemedyCoin project has a coin on the exchange. This coin commemorates and honors the experimental efforts of Joseph William Baker to create a new financial system which respects, honors and draws from as needed the infinite worth of every individual involved. Addressing seemingly impossible situations by crafting remedy by valuing and commemorating an act of forgiveness with a financial instrument.

This prospectus draws on and incorporates the latest wording from the Forgiveness Public License which you signal your consent to by participating in it’s markets.

Trading or holding the “Remedy” token means many things…

  • You are participating with a marketplace that wishes to advance the work of RemedyCoin and Joseph William Baker in bringing remedy to the world.
  • It signals you have gifted to the work of the RemedyCoin network.
  • You agree with the terms of the v 0.11 or higher.
  • You understand that RemedyCoin is not a government compliant organization – that your participation is a private contract among a society specifically exempting their private relationships with others in the society from government regulation. Electing rather to use our concept of forgiveness contracts as our sole source of remedy among one another.
  • RemedyCoin aims to create instruments which cultivate and define the value of forgiveness, charity and commemoration of an individual or a cause. We reserve a portion of coins as a commission that both supports our work and a portion is intended to be earmarked as “rainfall” to those holding our “Remedy”. This is no guarantee nor any obligation on the part of RemedyCoin. It is our intention but we have no obligation to perform. If you feel you are harmed in any way by the RemedyCoin organization you are free to create a forgiveness contract which you may consider to have our open and automatic endorsement of for purposes of allowing you to achieve your remedy.

What the “Remedy” token on DOES NOT represent.

  • Remedy does not issue financial reports. Remedy does not have any “shareholders” per-say. These are not stock shares in any corporation.
  • The Remedy Token does not represent any guaranteed value
  • The remedy token does not represent any guaranteed receipt of future value.
  • The remedy token does not represent equity in the project.

Holding the Remedy Token may enable you to having veto voting power over decisions brought to the community which might affect the value of the market.

Another “Remedy” coin has been secured on the RavenCoin blockchain to secure the namespace. But as yet we do not have a purpose for this coin except to release future coins such as “” where we are looking to mine value by having practitioners perform free health care to patients who in turn validate receiving benefit and allow the work to be commemorated and tokenized.