Initial market cap: 2,000 bitMXN
Daily minimum price curve: add 1.599%
Projected minimum price Sept 20, 2020: 643,848.58 bitMXN
Projected minimum price Sept 20, 2021: 210,584,754.09 bitMXN
Note: This is an experimental financial donation instrument some or all of its value could disappear.
Allowing people to conduct commerce by creating their own money. Joseph Baker’s 2002 Toyota Prius had broken down. He had mechanic, David Rojas take it apart to find the electric motor had cracked and burnt out as well as the transmission gears had problems. David was interested in buying the car from Joseph. Since the car was in Mexico Joseph would rather donate the car to David with one catch – Joseph wanted a very special receipt to commemorate the transaction.
The receipt would form a contract that initiates the creation of a new crypto currency named “Remedy.Bocho”. Bocho in Spanish slang means “My Car” or “Mexican Car”. It can also mean brainy or clever.
This contract invokes the very special terms of and a four week right to rescission window for any reason was granted to David. The contract was entered into at 5:55pm on September 21st, 2019.