Coin Details: CryptoFresh BTS.AI BitShareScan
This is an experimental fundraising project for Earthica Star under the terms of the I have assisted Earthica Star with creating a RemedyCoin style financial instrument which draws from her infinite personal worth the sum equivilant to 20 Billion bitUSD tokens on the BitShares distributed Exchange.
See the Money Issuance Instrument here:
Joseph William Baker, founder of RemedyCoin knows Earthica Star personally. Earthica has been a tremendous help to me in countless life saving ways standing up to the greatest forces of tyranny. I know her to be a vocal and courageous defender of persons wrongly accused, persons wronged by the government and personsons wronged by big corporations. Her deep knowledge is comparable to a walking encyclopedia. She is a caring person and a free spirit who has opened her home to many people who have been in need such as myself. She and I and others have been examining the banking systems of the world over the last ten years together looking for solutions to roll back the yolk of debt and systems of control which seem to enslave the masses. I credit Earthica Star with assistance in helping to grow my ideas in a place where creativity flourished – where almost daily we grappled with confronting the dishonesty within the courts and the banking system. It was an honor to assist with her defense regarding the alleged foreclosure action against her home in Bakersfield, California.
At this date June 18th, 2019 Star is facing a crisis on several fronts. Housing, health, and financial security and government persecution. At RemedyCoin we believe in the infinite worth of every individual and so we are teaming up with Earthica Star to create a financial instrument which taps a tiny, tiny portion of Earthica’s infinite worth to the universe in order to create a marketplace where others can affirm the humanity and infinite worth.
Holders of the “Remedy” coin on are intended to receive a portion of the 20% of the Remedy.Star tokens.
Earthica Star’s Facebook page
Youtube 1,

Here Earthica Star documents the injuries to my body after officers Richard S Davis, Jr. and Patrick Leftler had pulled me over without cause resulting in them clubbing me 15 times and my head getting stomped on three times in Bakersfield California. Her skills at video editing and social media came in handy.