Seeking to bring economic and social re-balancing to acts of injustice where otherwise there is no other possibility. Ironically our most powerful tool against tyranny just may be an innovative and artful economic adaptation of FORGIVENESS.
JOSEPH WILLIAM BAKER® Was brutally beaten and his head stomped on by Bakersfield Police Department. We are seeking to help coordinate economic activity to shame the police and bring remedy to Joe while advancing his dream of a new currency based on forgiveness. Read about our claim against Bakersifeld and Kern County.
Proposing a new asset class: contracts commemorating an act of forgiveness as a monetary asset.
This project looks to disrupt domains such as: government, law, law enforcement, finance, psychology, health, religion and more. It has the power to protect human dignity.
Bakersfield, California’s risk management office has dishonored Joseph Baker’s tort claim since 2011. They are on notice of their infinite liability in this matter – Remedy.Baker.
RemedyCoins are private financial instruments under their own law . No other regulation applies to a financial security created as the result of an arbitration settlement. RemedyCoin parallels an arbitration settlement.
Your heart is magical with forgiveness and with just the right contractual terms you can share the weight of forgiving with the markets.
Please register to be on our email list because you won’t want to miss our incentives for becoming a part of this great project.
would like to know more but I’m in Australia